Help Brief – Paintology App
We are delighted that you have downloaded Paintology and having great fun playing with this app! This site has been designed to help you get up to speed quickly with the app from the many instructions and courses as well as information on how to get the most out of the app. We understand that some users will have some issues related to the app and we are here to help!
Using shade tool on Paintology to paint fruits – (Galaxy Tab 2)
I have been getting more used to the Galaxy Tab 2 with my Paintology app loaded and playing around with the brushes and strokes. The key to good drawing and painting requires a versatility in the tools you use and not confine yourself to any specific set of tools. I have to always keep in mind that Paintology has 20 types of powerful brushes that have great effects and are ideal for certain subjects when drawing.
Quick guide to using Paintology
The Paintology app is a fairly simple but a powerful app to use with your Android smartphone or tablets. It will allow you to create numerous drawings with the powerful tools available and extend your creativity skills. It has a very intuitive interface that takes less than minutes to get going and we have prepared a quick guide here for reference.
Digital Finger Painting – Sunset
Continuing with our last lesson on digital finger painting – mt landscape, here we are going to tackle a sunset using finger painting (fig. 1). The advantage of using fingers for drawing is that some subjects such as clouds can be easier to do then using a stylus probably due to the randomness at which our fingers moves as well as some direct control on the canvas.
Finger Painting Lesson on Huawei 4inch smartphone – Mt Landscape
No doubt there will be a large group of people who will use the Paintology app on their smartphone using their finger only. Here, I have outlined the basics of a landscape and how quickly you can produce something that is pleasing to the eye. As you get better, you can produce artwork for your friends and relative and send them a customized greeting card, the possibilities are endless!
A Brief Introduction to Painting & Drawing for Beginners
If you have never done any drawing or painting before, this is a good place to start. The first thing you need to do is get any thoughts out of your head that says ‘you can’t draw’ and replace it with a good dose of enthusiasm and passion. Like any other hobbies, all it takes is a bit of confidence, lots of enthusiasm and plenty of practice.
Advanced Digital Painting Course Lesson 2
For this Advanced Digital Art Course – Lesson 2 we are going to create another landscape that shows more details and perspective using a combination of brush styles, including spray, custom and line tools. Fig. 1 shows the final rendered painting where we’ve managed to capture a cold scene with the snow capped trees in the foreground.