Category: News & Brief

World’s largest and most affordable drawing tablet?

Hello guys, I thought you might be interested in a new device that I put together to create a unique drawing tool. The device is a giant 65 inch drawing tablet and works like any other drawing tablets! I have hooked this 65 inch to my favorite drawing app, Paintology. You can check out this Read More

The future of digital technology

Today more than ever we are living in a world that is digital and many things we have taken for granted are now turning to digital. This revolution in digital technology started with the microchip and the computer, it then found its way into music, telephony, broadcast (air & tv), internet etc. It continues to Read More

Paintology community feature – introducing chat

We are mighty pleased with our userbase for the Paintology app which is over 100K users! However, as usual we don’t rest our laurels as we know that continued work and progress is required and most of all to listen to our users. With this in mind, we are soon releasing our chat feature what Read More

Left hand drawing challenge – So you think you can’t draw!

I don’t claim to be an avid artist but I like to delve into a good drawing whenever I get the chance. There was a time in my life when my drawing skills remained dormant for decades until for some reason, my creative spark came back. Before this time, I would try to get back Read More

Paintology has reached 100,000 installs from the Google Play Store

We are super proud to announce that Paintology app has now been downloaded 100,000 times from the Google Play store. Thanks to all our users who have contributed to the development of the product through their feedback and usage. We are not stopping there, we are bringing more features to enhance your experience in our Read More

Art as an Universal Language

I haven’t really given much thought to art in the way it can impact people’s lives and in more ways than one. It is only after I keep coming back to it again and again, that I realized the importance and value of creating art. As a child, I thought of art as nothing more Read More

Comparing digital drawing to traditional drawing

Digital drawing is just another different medium to traditional drawing I have always been persistent and consistent in my explanation for digital drawing as opposed to traditional drawing. In summary, I feel it is wrong to think of digital drawing as an extension of traditional drawing and thus emulate the writing materials of traditional drawing Read More

Why is art important to us more than ever before?

Most of us are familiar with art since we have in some way did art when we were young. Many of us don’t carry the same passion in art into our adult lives and this is unfortunate indeed. As a child we create and see something take shape right in front of our eyes and Read More