PbyNo - swiss landscape featured

Paint by Numbers | Paint a Swiss landscape| Paintology drawing app | #6318

One of the top subjects of any artist that likes to draw or paint are landscapes and these are a favorite subjects of past great masters such as Van Gogh, Cezanne, Turner etc. There are many reasons for this since landscapes allow you to be more flexible in your choice of colors and the placement of colors. One can experiment a lot with their choices of brushes and colors and is an ideal subject for newcomers in the world of painting. This is true of this Paint by Numbers painting of the Swiss landscape depicting the rolling hills and distant trees.

As described in my previous blog post, this landscape with minimal colors and larger patches for coloring is ideal for a beginner. It will allow you to become comfortable with the colors, strokes and get used to the tools while you continue to improve your drawing and painting skills.

If you are new to the Paintology drawing app, I would recommend to visit the Paintology YouTube channel and check out the many ways to draw and paint with this app.


Let’s study this paint by numbers template of the Swiss landscape, so we have a better understanding of how to approach this painting. Also, feel free to download and even print the template so you can also use your own drawing and painting tools such as colored pencils or even acrylics.

A sweeping Swiss landscape of Paint by Numbers | Paintology drawing app

Here is the completed painting of the landscape.

Created with GIMP

This particular landscape has minimalist colors and has broad patches that you can do in one sitting with the Paintology drawing app. When magnified, the landscape appears crude and almost feels like a painting done by a novice but this is exactly how you want to learn to do landscape painting. The aim of any artist is to convey a feeling of the essence of the landscape and give the viewer a feeling of ‘being there’. The nature of landscapes are such that you can be versatile with colors and use your own imagination to ‘enhance’ the viewing for the user. In the same way that Van Gogh used his own depictions of his landscapes they can conjure up strong and emotional feelings within us. For example, his paintings of the famous ‘Starry Night’ and ‘Wheatfields’. This is where unique styles of the artist are borne.

If you reduced the size of the image to a thumbnail, it almost feels like the landscape is a photograph of the real thing that people are familiar with. This is because the eye and the brain tries to look for familiar scenes and give you an understanding of what you are looking at. The brain fills any gaps in the rendition of a painting or drawing and brings about a connection with your past memories of that subject.

When you do this drawing, try to be experimental yourself and apply the colors broadly rather than exact number by number. In this way, you have control over how the painting will appear and it will be a reflection of your own inner thoughts and past experiences.

Try this painting on your phone or tablet including all the ones found in the Paint by Numbers category. You will be able to save your work and even print out to share with friends and family.

Download the free Paintology app from the Google play store.

water mark for Paintology on Google play store

Happy Painting & Drawing!