Day 5 – Nose Shading – Pencil Drawing

Paintology Video Guides – Pencil Drawing (using the shade brush)

This is the fifth of the series of shading with the Paintology app using the shade brush only.

We are going to draw and shade a nose. If you have not done the previous exercises, please go through them, so you will be equipped to do this drawing.

The fundamentals of art are not typically taught in digital art. This is a big omission and the reasons why many just turn to tools to draw digitally. They eventually look for apps with every tool under the sun because they do not possess any skills in the fundamentals of art.

Fortunately, Paintology has been designed with this in mind and teaches the basics and foundations of art that are essential to any types of drawing and painting irrespective of any medium. Surely, this is a skill that many should strive for, right?

In these set of shade exercises, you will learn the fundamentals of tones and shading which forms the crux of most good drawings. We are not utilizing any special digital tools except the shade brush and resizing and selecting gray tones.

If you become competent in drawing with the shade brush, you can make drawings like the ones below.

A drawing of the walkers crisp packet, using the shade brush of Paintology

The YouTube video of the actual exercise in the Nose drawing is provided here.

The drawing of a nose using the shade brush of the Paintology app.

If you master the shade brush tool of the Paintology app, you won’t need any other brush and you can make photo realistic drawings just like with pencil and paper. There are many drawing examples like this which you can find in the Youtube channels provided in the resources below.

The above exercise will ground you in the skills needed to create the shading that will help you create depth in any types of drawing. You can now draw just like the real thing on your phone and tablet!

There are over 600 tutorials you can try with the Paintology drawing app

Download today!

Paintology Resources:

Paintology app link:



Free Paintology Online Classes:



Paintology – Bringing back the fun of the real thing!

Happy Drawing & Painting!

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