horse galloping featured pbyno

Color a Galloping Horse | Fun Coloring with Paintology #8042

Coloring animals has been a favorite subjects for kids and adults alike. Many paintings and drawings are done by artists on the subject of animals.

We thought you might like this coloring exercise of a galloping horse with some nice colors for you to try.

Some of the colors are already laid out for you and you just need to go over the remaining colors to make this complete drawing. Also, don’t forget to go over the numbers so your family and friends won’t know that you did a paint by numbers and is a painting from you!

Galloping horse using the Paintology Coloring App

Galloping horse coloring fun with Paintology

There are over 200 Paint by Numbers tutorials that you can try with the Paintology app (links below).

Paintology wants to make everyone an artist!

Here are the power and capabilities of the Paintology app available on the Google play store (links below).

YouTube Video

Learn Paintology fast and become an accomplished Artist!

Over 400 tutorials available on the app, download now from the Google play store!

Download the free Paintology app from the Google play store.

water mark for Paintology on Google play store

Try many of the other Paint by Numbers drawings with the Paintology painting app. After you install the Paintology app, they are all accessible from the home page by clicking on the Video Tutorials button.

App links:

Happy Drawing & Painting!

#paintbynumber #horsecoloring #paintology #learndrawing #drawingapp