pbyno - mickey mouse - featured

Draw Mickey Mouse on your Phone using the app Paintology – Paint by No | #6078

In this paint by number drawing of the much adored cartoon character Mickey Mouse, we make use of three colors to make this drawing. The drawing will help you to improve your drawing strokes and techniques especially if you come from a traditional drawing background. You don’t have to stick to the same colors, you can also try different colors just for fun!

If you are new to this app and drawing with paint by number, we recommend that you try the easy drawings first with less colors and details. Learning to draw by Paint by Number has many advantages, it is fun and also improves your overall drawing strokes and understanding of tones which are fundamental to drawing.

Try many of the other Paint by Numbers drawings with the Paintology painting app. After you install the app, they are all accessible from the home page by going to the Video Tutorials section.

#paintbynumber #mickeymouse #paintology #learndrawing #drawingapp

Download the free Paintology – Paint by No app from the Google play store.


water mark for Paintology on Google play store

Happy Painting & Drawing!